Bina Conte - Village Trustee

Bina Conte was appointed a Village Trustee in September 2021 and elected to a full term in 2023.

Prior to becoming a village trustee, she served as a Commissioner and Secretary of the Village of Elmwood Park Plan, Zoning, and Development Commission. She is also the President of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Regular Republican Voter’s League of Leyden Township.

She has been an employee of Leyden Township as Assistant Assessor since 2005.

Bina is a 38-year resident of Elmwood Park and her better half, Anthony Urgo, is a lifelong resident of the Village. She proudly raised three daughters in Elmwood Park, Marisa is a Middle School Teacher in DeKalb County, Lisa is an Internal Medicine Doctor and Chief Cardiology Fellow at Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, Catherine earned a Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy and is a DPT at Northwestern Medical Center Hospital in Lake Forest.

While raising her daughters she was President of the Elmwood School PATT for many years, taught CCD at St. Vincent Ferrer, a Girl Scout Leader, member of Trinity Mother’s Club, and was involved in Elmwood Park Express Soccer and Elmwood Park Lady Tigers Softball.

Bina Conte is a graduate of St. William School, Mother Theodore Guerin High School, and Rosary College -

She looks forward to continuing to work alongside President Saviano and the Village Trustees in keeping Elmwood Park a great place to live.